Our Team
Orbit specialist – Dr.Smitha.K.S.
Proptosis (forward bulging of eyes )
- People on medications for thyroid disorder need eye – checkup focused at thyroid eye disease every 6 months
- Double vision , decrease in vision , elevation of upper lid , forward protrusion of eyes can occur due to thyroid disease
- Fortunately , all the above can be prevented, controlled and managed with periodic eyecheckup in a clinic focused at thyroid eye disease.
Services provided
- Comprehensive eye evaluation including measurement of proptosis with Hertels Exophthalmometer and monitoring progress there after
- Colour vision test
- Field test with Humphrey field Analyser
- Dry eye evaluation
- Evaluation of double vision and prism trial
- Medical treatment for severe redness and congestion of eyes
- Botox injection for correction of lid retraction
- Endoscopic Orbital Decompression in coordination with ENT specialist for correction of forward protrution of eyeballs
- Corrective procedures for lid retraction

Lid retraction ( upper lid pulled up )
Thyroid eye disease before and after treatment



